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How to Register for Classes
Please fill out the form below, hit the submit button
and then RETURN to this page if you are using PayPal.
*1. The PayPal option will open into a new window, and accepts all major credit cards.
Please indicate which class you are paying for in the PayPal "special instructions" box.
Return to this window and push "submit" to send in the form.
*2. If you are paying by check, fill out and submit the form, and send the check to the address below. Check must be received within 10 days of submitting the registration form in order for us to hold your child's place.
As soon as we have received both the payment and the registration form, you will receive an email conformation and important information about what you need to bring to camp.
Please also read the important policy statements below. Thank You!
* Once you have submitted the form, please return to this page to complete PayPal Payment below or send a check - Thanks
The PayPal button will open into a new window,
and accepts all major credit cards.
Please fill in the PRICE of the class
Please indicate the NAME of the class
you are paying for in the PayPal
"class name" section.
- Thank you!
Cancellation Policy and Refund Policies
Should you need to cancel your enrollment in a class, please do so as soon as possible. Often, we have a waiting list for any given class, and we would like to let other families know, early on, if there is an opening.
For a cancellation that happens more than 30 days before the first day of the class, tuition is refundable minus $100. For a cancellation of a class that happens 15-30 days before the first day of the class, tuition is refundable minus $150. For a cancellation 14 days or less before the first day of that session, is non-refundable.
We are a very small camp, and we budget our classes based on attendance, in order to pay staff, overhead, and administrative work. Thank you for your understanding.
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